Save your spot

Reset your life and revive your spirit so you can reimagine your work and lead others with enthusiasm.

Nov. 7-9, 2024
St. Louis, Missouri

You can't lead from a deficit.

Reset your life and revive your spirit so you can reimagine your work and lead others with enthusiasm.

The to-do list is extensive and ever-expanding. 

The pitch meeting is looming, and you’re behind.

Your team is lacking direction and looking to you. 

Regardless of where your pain points live, you know you’re not able to lead effectively and work effortlessly. As women, we often just keep going. Exhaustion is here, and burnout lurks just around the corner. 

So why continue spinning your wheels only to get no where you want?

Leadership — the kind of leadership you know you’re capable of — takes investment. Investment in your personal well-being, investment in your mental well-being, and investment in your work well-being…

…and this takes more than simply rest.

You don’t need one more thing to do — you need something different.

You don’t need more — you need different.

Let's do this

Nov 7-9, 2024
St. Louis, Missouri

Going it alone and trying all the hacks will only work for the short term. Lasting change requires investment in yourself with guidance and community to cheer you on. 

With this community and guidance, you can get back to solid ground that feels aligned, empowered, and free. 

Let me tell you...that life is available. I want to care for you and help you get there.

Take the time to invest in yourself at The Joyosity Retreat. We’re gathering an exclusive group of leaders like you so you pause the doing everything for everyone else and breathe for yourself.

Secure your spot to give yourself the time to reset your life, the tools to reimagine your work, and the path to revive your spirit so you can be the leader of your life.

I'm in!

The cure for exhaustion isn't rest.

It's wholeheartedness.

David Whyte

The cure for exhaustion isn't rest.

It's wholeheartedness.

David Whyte


IT & Security Management

What I keep talking about to all my friends is the power of feeling so seen. Especially using the Enneagram that not only made me feel good about myself, but the direct correlation to improving my work. The time away helped me see opportunities for me to lead better and bring these skills back to my team. The Joyosity Retreat was amazing for me!

I want all of that.

Senior Director

Senior Director

This leadership retreat is the catalyst to your life as an effective and confident leader (and human being). The Joyosity Retreat is for women (solopreneurs, organizational leaders, and those leading themselves through transition) who know something needs to be different, but aren't not sure what or how to get it.  You're eager for the next level of leadership and ready to do the work to catapult your effectiveness.

This retreat is the self-awareness work that changes you and your team. The struggle is research shows that only 10% of us have accurate self-awareness. (Ouch.)

Dr. Tasha Eurich, an organizational psychologist, and her research team found self-awareness is associated with higher job and relationship satisfaction, personal and social control, and happiness. Self-aware leaders experience less anxiety, stress, and depression.

Other studies continue to demonstrate that self-aware leaders earn more promotions, are more effective in their roles, have more committed and engaged team members, and run more profitable companies.

Time investing in yourself isn't selfish. It's for you, your family, and your organization. If you are living like a dried up, scorched river bed, all you have to offer is dust. By coming to the Joyosity Retreat, you are creating a flourishing reservoir that brings healthy water for yourself and flows out to all around you.

The loneliness of women, especially in leadership, is rampant. You don't have to do this yourself. At this exclusive experience, you will find your cheerleaders and comrades that will say, "Oh yes! Me too!" Build the relationships and connections that will support you, your leadership, and life for years to come.

Invite that friend that you are constantly saying, "We need to get together," and then six months go by. Get your people to come with you.

The Joyosity Retreat:
Reset. Reimagine. Revive.

need this like yesterday

The Experience

Here's what you'll experience during the Joyosity Retreat:

Two and a half days just for you to invest in a deep dive of the foundational needs for healthy, sustainable leadership: Leadership Style, Leadership Mindset, and Leadership Alignment so you can stop trying the little quick fixes and actually live into your gifts, skills, and talents. 

Also, FUN! (Remember that?) With a group of cheerleaders on the journey with you, you are prepped for reviving the life and leadership you want. 

I'm Coming.

Yep! I need this.

Count me in!

register now

Also: Fun & Community


This leadership retreat is the catalyst to your life as an effective and confident leader (and human being). The Joyosity Retreat is for women (solopreneurs, organizational leaders, and those leading themselves through transition) who know something needs to be different, but aren't not sure what or how to get it.  You're eager for the next level of leadership and ready to do the work to catapult your effectiveness.

This retreat is the self-awareness work that changes you and your team. The struggle is research shows that only 10% of us have accurate self-awareness. (Ouch.)

Dr. Tasha Eurich, an organizational psychologist, and her research team found self-awareness is associated with higher job and relationship satisfaction, personal and social control, and happiness. Self-aware leaders experience less anxiety, stress, and depression.

Other studies continue to demonstrate that self-aware leaders earn more promotions, are more effective in their roles, have more committed and engaged team members, and run more profitable companies.

Time investing in yourself isn't selfish. It's for you, your family, and your organization. If you are living like a dried up, scorched river bed, all you have to offer is dust. By coming to the Joyosity Retreat, you are creating a flourishing reservoir that brings healthy water for yourself and flows out to all around you.

The loneliness of women, especially in leadership, is rampant. You don't have to do this yourself. At this exclusive experience, you will find your cheerleaders and comrades that will say, "Oh yes! Me too!" Build the relationships and connections that will support you, your leadership, and life for years to come.

Invite that friend that you are constantly saying, "We need to get together," and then six months go by. Get your people to come with you.

The Joyosity Retreat:
Reset. Reimagine. Revive.

need this like yesterday

The Experience

Here's what you'll experience during the Joyosity Retreat:

Two and a half days just for you to invest in a deep dive of the foundational needs for healthy, sustainable leadership: Leadership Style, Leadership Mindset, and Leadership Alignment so you can stop trying the little quick fixes and actually live into your gifts, skills, and talents. 

Also, FUN! (Remember that?) With a group of cheerleaders on the journey with you, you are prepped for reviving the life and leadership you want. 

I'm Coming.

Yep! I need this.

Count me in!

register now

Also: Fun & Community


Leadership requires ruthless self-honesty

and generous self-compassion.

Jenn Whitmer

Leadership requires ruthless self-honesty

and generous self-compassion.

Jenn Whitmer


Brand Strategy and Connections

Brand Strategy And Connections

I loved the space Jenn created. It’s been a long time since I done work for my own professional development, and she created the perfect balance of time with others, space to think, and fun! I connected with some truly amazing women. I left good tired and full of all kinds of practical tools to apply in my work immediately. And I also loved the venue and location in St. Louis. I would recommend this to any woman who is feeling a little tired and wants to re-energize their spirit and come back with amazing new skills.

I want the next level

Founder and Consultant

Founder and Consultant

What’s the value of leading a healthy team without sacrificing your life? 

What does your investment get you?

Join us for the Joyosity Leadership Retreat for a one-time investment of $2,997 that will make possible the freedom, peace, and confidence you want. 

Leaders from organizations like Chick-Fil-a, U.S. State Department, Mozilla, Kiwanis International and more bring Jenn in to speak to their leaders and teams. Although these companies pay Jenn five figures to teach these same concepts and frameworks through her keynotes and workshops, the Joyosity Retreat is only $2,997. 

Along with an exclusive time with Jenn in a small group, the rest of your experience includes the following:

Experiential learning that’s beyond a workbook
We’ll spend our first time together building a new community together, reviewing intentions and expectations, and diving into what you specifically need from the retreat. Meaning what does creating a healthy leader and great team look like for your particular role and position right now.

Identify your Joyosity Leadership style, your values, and your unique leadership map
Finding your personality type is far more than a test. We’ll dive deep into types not only for you, but to understand your team, leaders, and other relationships. The question I get asked more than any other is how do I know what my personality type is? And the next one, “How do I use it with my team/spouse/kids?” You’ll walk away with your leadership style and personality type and more so you can know how use your to create a great team (Because that starts with you!)

Learn in community with others (away from day-to-day pressures)
This retreat is a time to focus on you. This is a space to get away from the emails, the Slack, the clients, and even the kids and the dog. A beautiful, light-filled space overlooking the Missouri River and the Gateway Arch creates a new atmosphere to breathe and learn.

Catered lunches from local St. Louis restaurants on Wednesday and Thursday
Jenn loves a good local place (her grandparents used to own a restaurant!), so introducing you to some delicious local eats is exciting. Also, these aren’t rushed times. The stories swapped and the “Oh! Me too!” moments are part of the magic of this experience. (and SNACKS!)

In-person learning and coaching
The work you’ll do throughout this retreat is kind that companies regularly pay $10,000 or more for a full-day experience. So over the retreat, you’ll have this exclusive experience that allows for the space to absorb and apply (not just listen and forget when you get back home). Because there are only 12 spots, you’ll have lots of individual attention and support. And a new community of like-minded, growth-oriented leaders.

Special St. Louis Event
Keeping it a little bit of a surprise, but a special St. Louis experience with time to laugh, connect, and break the mold of active learning. Because as a former educator, Jenn is an expert at facilitating learning in fun places that feel a little outside the box but make the learning stick.

A 90-day plan to take back to your life
One of the hardest parts of the mountain-top experience is coming back to earth. We’ll close the retreat with a 90-day plan to make sure the application happens and doesn’t stay up in the clouds.

I want in!

November 7-9, 2024
St. Louis, Missouri

If you want support talking to your organization about using professional development funds, here's a letter to help you advocate.

This experience is available for only 12 women.
Six remaining spots.

What’s the value of leading a healthy team without sacrificing your life? 

What does your investment get you?

Leaders from organizations like Chick-Fil-a, Western Union, Mozilla, Kiwanis International and more bring Jenn in to speak to their leaders and teams. Although these companies pay Jenn five figures to teach these same concepts and frameworks through her keynotes and workshops, the Joyosity Retreat is only $2,997. 

Along with an exclusive time with Jenn in a small group, the rest of your experience includes the following:

Experiential learning that’s beyond a workbook
We’ll spend our first time together building a new community together, reviewing intentions and expectations, and diving into what you specifically need from the retreat. Meaning what does creating a healthy leader and great team look like for your particular role and position right now.

Identify your Joyosity Leadership style, your values, and your unique leadership map
Finding your personality type is far more than a test. We’ll dive deep into types not only for you, but to understand your team, leaders, and other relationships. The question I get asked more than any other is how do I know what my personality type is? And the next one, “How do I use it with my team/spouse/kids?” You’ll walk away with your leadership style and personality type and more so you can know how use your to create a great team (Because that starts with you!)

Learn in community with others (away from day-to-day pressures)
This retreat is a time to focus on you. This is a space to get away from the emails, the Slack, the clients, and even the kids and the dog. A beautiful, light-filled space overlooking the Missouri River and the Gateway Arch creates a new atmosphere to breathe and learn.

Catered lunches from local St. Louis restaurants on Wednesday and Thursday
Jenn loves a good local place (her grandparents used to own a restaurant!), so introducing you to some delicious local eats is exciting. Also, these aren’t rushed times. The stories swapped and the “Oh! Me too!” moments are part of the magic of this experience. (and SNACKS!)

A 90-day plan to take back to your life
One of the hardest parts of the mountain-top experience is coming back to earth. We’ll close the retreat with a 90-day plan to make sure the application happens and doesn’t stay up in the clouds.

In-person learning and coaching
The work you’ll do throughout this retreat is kind that companies regularly pay $10,000 or more for a full-day experience. So over the retreat, you’ll have this exclusive experience that allows for the space to absorb and apply (not just listen and forget when you get back home). Because there are only 12 spots, you’ll have lots of individual attention and support. And a new community of like-minded, growth-oriented leaders.

Special St. Louis Event
Keeping it a little bit of a surprise, but a special St. Louis experience with time to laugh, connect, and break the mold of active learning. Because as a former educator, Jenn is an expert at facilitating learning in fun places that feel a little outside the box but make the learning stick.

Join us for the Joyosity Retreat for a one-time investment of $2,997 that will make possible the freedom, peace, and confidence you want. 

I want in!

This experience is available for only 12 women.
Six remaining spots.

November 7-9, 2024
St. Louis, Missouri

If you want support talking to your organization about using professional development funds, here's a letter to help you advocate.

Hiya! I'm Jenn.

I sat at new-to-me-but-actually-old desk, wondering if I could really do this job. I wasn't worried about the tasks — I was worried about me dealing with all the people development that comes with a leadership role.

Are you in that place? Where you're moving up, but it also means you have to level up? All the what-if, doubting questions that paper-cut your confidence.

I can help. In that first leadership role, I had the mac-daddy of all revelations about leadership: it starts with me. All the people issues and problem-solving and vision-casting and teamwork doesn't happen if I don't do my own personal and professional development. And all of those leadership skills are attainable.

Years later, I'm now here to help you. After leading students, faculties, teams, and leaders, I dug into an entire masters program on communication and culture in addition to Enneagram certification and conflict resolution training. I specialize in interpersonal conflict resolution, leadership, and the Enneagram. I've developed the Catalyst Compass model to walk leaders and their teams into healthy workplace culture.

All of that experience and training is so I can guide leaders just like you build confidence, lead effectively, and live with peace and wholeness without sacrificing who you are.

I'm ready for this

Day 1: Thursday, Nov. 7, 2pm-5:30pm
Day 2: Friday, Nov. 8, 9am-5:30pm
Day 3: Saturday, Nov. 9, 9am-12pm

SPARK STL, Ballpark Village, St. Louis, Missouri.

Lunch on Thursday and Friday are included. And we love snacks! So lots of goodness during the sessions. Other meals are on your own.

Three hotels are within walking distance of our location.
  • Hilton at the Ballpark
  • Live! by Loews
  • Westin St. Louis
There are plenty of other hotels with a short car ride to SPARK.

Daytime parking at SPARK is included. The St. Louis Metrolink stadium stop is a 3-minute walk to the venue.
The best airport is STL, about a 17-minute drive (between $27-45 taxi/ride share) or an easy Metrolink ride.

We have a special fun event planned for Thursday night together! But you are also free to choose your own adventure (even if that means your room!).

Seriously, I want in!

We have a special fun event planned for Wednesday or Thursday night together! But you are also free to choose your own adventure (even if that means your room!).
Three hotels are within walking distance of our location.
  • Hilton at the Ballpark
  • Live! by Lowes
  • Westin St. Louis
There are plenty of other hotels with a short car ride to SPARK.

Daytime parking at SPARK is included. The St. Louis Metrolink stadium stop is a 3 minute walk to the venue.
Best airport is STL, about a 17-minute drive (between $27-45 taxi/ride share)  or an easy Metrolink ride.
Day 1: Thurs, Nov. 7, 2pm-5:30pm
Day 2: Fri, Nov. 8, 9am-5:30pm
Day 3: Sat, Nov. 9, 9am-12pm

SPARK STL, Ballpark Village,
St. Louis, Missouri.

Lunch on Friday and Saturday are included. And we love snacks! So lots of goodness during the sessions. Other meals are on your own.

I'm doing it!

This is for me

I'm there!

What Are the Details?


Business Development

I would do this retreat again and again. Working through the values exercises opened up so many ideas for me in my new role and for ways I can bring that home to my son. I loved meeting the women there. After a toxic work experience, I’m still rebuilding my confidence, and the women at the retreat boosted me. And, I left knowing how to really understand my potential clients better, which will help me in my role, and also my coworkers and family. I’m so grateful for Joyosity Retreat Experience.

This is for me!



Imagine for a moment the feeling of confidence...

I want that Confidence

What does it feel like to trust yourself? To know you have the skills to walk into that meeting ready to effectively manage any decision or problem that comes your way. To know you are performing at your top level without sacrificing you or your family. How would that feel?
That is what you can have beginning with the Joyosity Retreat:

Give up the delusion that burnout is the inevitable cost of success.

Arianna Huffington

Give up the delusion that burnout is the inevitable cost of success.

Arianna Huffington

Ok. I'm in.

You've read this far.
You are at least curious...

I'm sure you do!
I've got answers.

You're right.
Take me to the next step.

I've done so many personality tests. How is this different? 

What if I miss some because of travel or work?

I'm not sure about groups. How will I get individual attention?

Who's coming?

Is there homework?

Great! Different frameworks give you different information. But information isn't transformation. It's likely you have a scribbled notebook or digital dust somewhere of your results. The magic is applying them  to your every-day, walking-around life. So it actually makes a difference for you. We'll use all of it to create change.

Listen, happens. And also, you are an adult who gets to be the boss of your calendar. I suggest doing your best to be fully available during the session times. There are plenty of breaks built in to check in with email, absorb what you've been learning, and evenings are free. (The surprise event is optional!)

Well, you! And leaders like you who are ready to get unstuck and level up their leadership. Women who want to build healthy team cultures, land the new role, get the raise without sacrificing who they are. And learning is always better with friends. Invite your colleague or friend from another city and grow together.

There is a short pre-work activity that will prepare you for your individual retreat goals. I won't be assigning extra reading or watching, but I will offer resources to extend the learning from the retreat.

Learning leadership skills in a group is the most natural way! Leadership is already about a group, so in a group you get to practice your skills, develop peer relationships, and experience other perspectives. And I make sure each individual gets time to ask questions and engage with coaching. And if you want more, I'm offering a few special 1:1 coaching options after the retreat, just for attendees.

Can I use my professional development funds?

This is a fantastic space to use your professional development funds. I also believe investing in yourself enhances the experience. If you need support advocating for the value of the retreat for you, please email Jenn for help.

If you want more details to know if the Joyosity Retreat is right for you, then let's chat.

Got some questions?

Let's chat


Yes! I'm coming to the Joyosity Retreat!

Joining the retreat means you're agreeing to email communication from us!

November 7-9, 2024
St. Louis, Missouri

Listen, friend. If you're all the way down here, you're either TL;DR, or you want this.

SKIMMERS: NBD...You can't lead anyone else until you lead yourself. And what you've been doing isn't working. That means you need to invest in you for something different.

If you want this, now is your time. Coming to the retreat will break you out of the cycle of stuck. You can grow your leadership mindset and skills so you can level-up your leadership, return the joy to work, and have a high-functioning team. It means you get all the content that you can apply toward the dream you've been thinking about the entire time you've been reading this page.

Just take the leap toward Joyosity...that's your next right step.


Register now



Only 6 spots left.
Save $500 during Early Bird by using the code JOYBIRD
Now is the time.

You're right. I'm ready