The Enneagram skyrockets personal and professional growth for my clients. It's so much more than a party trick, and far deeper than any personalty tool you've used before.

Finding your Enneagram type uncovers your motivations that show up in emails, loading the dishwasher, and making plans for your workflow. Basically every action, feeling, and thought you have.

When you understand the power of your unique way of seeing the world, you can transform your leadership, your team, and your entire life.

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Book Your Enneagram Navigator experience

Discover Your Enneagram Type

Yeah...I get that a lot.

Better stress management — Yes, please!
Improved communication — I'll take that, too.
Higher performance as a leader, enhanced relationships, and empowered agency in your life — all of those, please and thank you.

You can have all of those benefits by knowing your Enneagram personality type.

The Enneagram is a powerful personality framework that shows you why you feel, think, and act the way you do. Not just what you do, but the deep motivations that influence you every minute of every day.

Enneagram Navigator

Ok, so how do I figure out my Enneagram type?
Do I just take a test? 

Self-typing frustrates nearly everyone. The process requires a highly accurate level of self-awareness. (Which research shows only 8-10% of people actually have. And no one has on their own.)

An Enneagram Navigator session moves beyond this or that questions of an assessment. You'll have an expert with years of professional training and experience to guide you to not only your type, but the internal  confidence to know what to do with it next.

Which test do I take? How do I understand this convoluted results page? Why am I 82% Type One and 78% Type 6?

Book Your Enneagram Navigator experience

Here's how it works:
  1. Book your 60-minute session.
  2. I'll send you a verified Enneagram assessment to complete before our time. (The results go to me. No peeking!)
  3. During our zoom session, I'll ask you targeted questions and reflect back your answers along with my observations as a certified Enneagram coach.
  4. With guidance, you confirm your Enneagram type and receive a detailed description of your type in a PDF report, a guide to all nine types, and a copy of the recording.
  5. Confirm next best step to apply your type in your current situation.

Enneagram Navigator process

Let's do this

After my typing interview, I realized why I kept getting stuck with one team member. It was the biggest light bulb moment.

Britta G.

Once you find the type that truly resonates with you and your core motivations, you have the right map to begin applying the wisdom on the Enneagram in your everyday, walking-around life — where it really matters.

And the benefits of confidence, improved communication, better leadership skills, working through conflict, and seeing all your relationships improve can begin. And you experience less rough edges and frustration every day.
And the best part? Feeling like you aren't broken. You belong. 

Book Your Enneagram Navigator experience

I’m growing my business, and knowing my type helps me see how to grow in the way that makes sense for me without fighting myself.

Matt H.

Hiya! I'm Jenn.

I sat at new-to-me-but-actually-old desk, wondering if I could really do this job. I wasn't worried about the tasks — I was worried about me dealing with all the people development that comes with a leadership role.

Are you in that place? Where you're moving up, but it also means you have to level up? All the what-if, doubting questions that paper-cut your confidence.

I can help. In that first leadership role, I had the mac-daddy of all revelations about leadership: it starts with me. All the people issues and problem-solving and vision-casting and teamwork doesn't happen if I don't do my own personal and professional development. And all of those leadership skills are attainable.

Years later, I'm now here to help you. After leading students, faculties, teams, and leaders, I dug into an entire masters program on communication and culture in addition to Enneagram certification and conflict resolution training. I specialize in interpersonal conflict resolution, leadership, and the Enneagram. I've developed the Joyosity Model to walk leaders and their teams into healthy workplace culture.

All of that experience and training is so I can guide leaders just like you build confidence, lead effectively, and live with peace and wholeness without sacrificing who you are.

Because we can create positive culture with complex people so work is a joy, people are whole, and organizations flourish.