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creating positive culture with complex people



creating positive culture with complex people

Empower your team to solve conflict, communicate better, and lead through change...

...before weak leadership kills your business.

Jenn Whitmer | keynote speaker on leadership, conflict resolution, & joy at work

Empower your team to solve conflict, communicate better, and lead through change….

...before weak leadership kills your business.

Jenn Whitmer | Keynote Speaker on Leadership, Conflict Resolution & Team Communication

Trusted by leaders from

Have you ever thought...

"Why are our best team members leaving?"

"This communication issue is costing us so much time."

"They were the top sales performer, but they're not leading well in this new role."

"Our teams feels so disconnected now that so many are working remotely."

I've heard countless leaders say this and more. They feel the pain of wasted time, lagging sales, and losing people.

These are culture issues. And culture issues are always a failure of leadership.

See, we’re living in the upside down. Profits and power over everything place shackles on everyone. We live in the dark and the grey, where we manage through checklists and processes doing work that is disconnected from purpose and meaning. 

Pessimistic fatalism blocks anything remarkable. It sounds like this… 
"It’s always going to be this way." 
"Boys will be boys."
“That’s just the way it is.”
“It’s fine. I survived.” 

At what cost? These cultures destroy our creativity, exhaust our bodies, and devastate our families.

This archaic approach to leadership desperately needs a new approach... and a lot more joyosity.

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Have you ever thought...

"Why are our best team members leaving?"

"This communication issue is costing us so much time."

"They were the top sales performer, but they're not leading well in this new role."

"Our teams feels so disconnected now that so many are working remotely."

See, we’re living in the upside down. Profits and power over everything place shackles on everyone. We live in the dark and the grey, where we manage through checklists and processes doing work that is disconnected from purpose and meaning. 

Pessimistic fatalism blocks anything remarkable. It sounds like this… 
"It’s always going to be this way." 
"Boys will be boys."
“That’s just the way it is.”
“It’s fine. I survived.” 

At what cost? These cultures destroy our creativity, exhaust our bodies, and devastate our families.

This archaic approach to leadership desperately needs a new approach... and a lot more joyosity.

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I've heard countless leaders say this and more. They feel the pain of wasted time, lagging sales, and losing people.

These are culture issues. And culture issues are always a failure of leadership.

Create positive culture with complex people.
So work is a joy. People are whole. And organizations flourish.



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Joyosity knows you and your teams can have more. Joy isn't a soft skill. Courageous leaders trust that they are worthy of joy and meaningful work. They know that leading isn’t just for those at the top; it’s for every single member of the team.

Fearless leaders embrace their own complex humanity, creating boldness and confidence that produces better teams better, more leaders, and the thriving businesses they wanted all along.

Joy isn't extra.

It’s time for a new paradigm.

These empowered leaders become easily productive with high-performing teams because they do more than talk.
They align their values with their action.
They communicate with ease and solve conflict with empathy.
They celebrate the power of failure and play as part of the process of doing great work.
They see their team as whole people with unique gifts and strengths.

Profits follow because people are first.

Let’s turn the upside down inside out. Because work should be a joy. People can be whole. And your organization can flourish.

Jenn equips your leaders to understand the people they work with, how to engage effectively with others, and cultivate an experience where people want to stay. 

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Joyosity knows you and your teams can have more. Joy isn't a soft skill. Courageous leaders trust that they are worthy of joy and meaningful work. They know that leading isn’t just for those at the top; it’s for every single member of the team.

Fearless leaders embrace their own complex humanity, creating boldness and confidence that produces better teams better, more leaders, and the thriving businesses they wanted all along.

Joy isn't extra.

It’s time for a
new paradigm.

These empowered leaders become easily productive with high-performing teams because they do more than talk.
They align their values with their action.
They communicate with ease and solve conflict with empathy.
They celebrate the power of failure and play as part of the process of doing great work.
They see their team as whole people with unique gifts and strengths.

Profits follow because people are first.

Let’s turn the upside down inside out. Because work should be a joy. People can be whole. And your organization can flourish.

Jenn equips your leaders to understand the people they work with, how to engage effectively with others, and cultivate an experience where people want to stay. 

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You're leaving with:

  • Equipped Leaders
  • Enthusiastic Changemakers
  • Empowered Teams
  • Tangible Takeaways
  • (also, more laughter)
  • Outstanding Stories
  • Pioneering Research
  • Sage Questions
  • Thrilling Interactions
  • (and so much laughter!)

I'm Bringing:

When I'm coming to Your Experience:

You're leaving with:

  • Equipped Leaders
  • Enthusiastic Changemakers
  • Empowered Teams
  • Tangible Takeaways
  • (also, more laughter)
  • Outstanding Stories
  • Pioneering Research
  • Sage Questions
  • Thrilling Interactions
  • (and so much laughter!)

I'm Bringing:

When I'm Coming to Your Experience:

Hiya, I’m Jenn

Do you feel that? That’s the breath of fresh air coming your way.

I can guarantee your audience will laugh and learn with me on stage. I use storytelling, interaction, big questions, real data, and a big dose of humor to teach about leadership — where heads come up, backbones straighten, and lightness fills the room.

your audience leaves with their scribbled notes, emails to themselves, and chatter to their people full of actionable steps that transform the way they work together so you increase productivity, improve retention, and have more joy at work.

Let’s have a conversation

Hiya, I’m Jenn

I can guarantee your audience will laugh and learn with me on stage. I use storytelling, interaction, big questions, real data, and a big dose of humor to teach about leadership — where heads come up, backbones straighten, and lightness fills the room.

your audience leaves with their scribbled notes, emails to themselves, and chatter to their people full of actionable steps that transform the way they work together so you increase productivity, improve retention, and have more joy at work.

Do you feel that? That’s a breath of fresh air coming your way.

Let’s have a conversation

of job seekers say healthy organizational culture is vital for success.

Positive culture that top talent looks for can 

Only                      of executives understand their company’s culture.

increase revenue up to 33%.





 of job seekers say healthy organizational culture is vital for success.

Positive culture that top talent looks for can 

Only                                    of executives understand their company’s culture.

increase revenue up to






Yes. Let’s talk.

Authentic and effective, Jenn’s expertise stays with the audience because she truly connects with them as people."

Regina C.

Jenn is a breath of fresh air!”

I've never had leadership training like this."

Katie S.

Chris D.

How To Work With Jenn




Complete a short form with your event details, goals, and aspirations.

Schedule a Zoom call where we will work out all the details together.

Give your audience an amazing experience with Jenn that creates Joyosity throughout your organization. 

Yes. Let’s get started.

Check Availability

If you
avoid conflict,
you manufacture
fake peace.

Jenn Whitmer


Rewrite the Soundtrack: The Lasting Solution for Connected Leadership and Flourishing Teams

Organizations are desperate to retain employees, increase engagement, manage change, and motivate individuals.

Leaders stand and ask, “Are we all on the same page?” 

But between that question and the interpretations, rarely is everyone in the room in the same book, let alone the same page. Solving that problem starts with stories.

Although organizations often look to stories to improve communication, share their brands, and sell their products, they often overlook the most important aspect of storytelling — the internal story of every person.

Stories are the cornerstone of human understanding and each individual’s internal story shapes far more than just how they interpret information. It’s the catalyst to everything — how they take action, create results, and lead people.

In Rewrite the Soundtrack, Jenn reveals the profound power of internal personality stories on leadership, individual motivation, and organizational results. Research shows these self-stories shape the leadership mindset that determines the results of individuals, teams, and organizations. 

Reduce anxiety, boost joy, and improve performance by equipping leaders (and really every complex person in your organization) with the ability to change their internal story.

Check Availability for Leadership Mindset

Multigenerational Communication in the Workplace

“Kids these days…” “Ok, Boomer.” At best, these snarky phrases are disrespectful. The bigger problem is generational differences are rooted in deeper fears that cause lack of productivity, high employee turnover, and general friction in the workplace.

Although this problem is common, it doesn’t have to be your experience. You can cultivate understanding among the various generations in your organization. 

Learn the power of CLEAN communication to break down intergenerational barriers, transform miscommunication into opportunities for growth, and embrace the power of change as a leader.

With researched-backed communication and social skills, you can lead your organization through the friction of five generations working together to transform into a collaborative work environment.
Create a culture that freely shares ideas and creates shared meaning so you can do effective and powerful work (all with a side of laughter).

Ask about Generational Communication at Work


Your success as a leader and your organization will rise and fall with your ability to manage conflict. Avoided conflict creates unhealthy and unproductive teams. And mismanaged conflict often strikes more harm than good. Mishandled conflict costs US businesses $668 billion a year (Yes. Billion.)

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Beginning with self-awareness and moving to the skills you need to manage conflict, you can equip yourself to do more than simply address conflict.

You can create peace.

From a recovering conflict avoider who used to moonwalk out of hard conversations, come learn with humor and stories how conflict can be your way to an engaged and flourishing team. (The real-life application of Jenn’s TEDx talk)

Check Availability for Solving Conflict

Additional topics include Enneagram for Teams, Preventing Burnout, and Values for Profit.

Most Requested Keynotes to Create Positive Culture

The Cross-Generational Jam: Turning Friction into Fusion

The $668 Billion Opportunity: Using Curiosity to Move through Conflict to Connection

Multigenerational Communication in the Workplace

“Kids these days…” “Ok, Boomer.” At best, these snarky phrases are disrespectful. The bigger problem is generational differences are rooted in deeper fears that cause lack of productivity, high employee turnover, and general friction in the workplace.

Although this problem is common, it doesn’t have to be your experience. You can cultivate understanding among the various generations in your organization. 

Learn the power of CLEAN communication to break down intergenerational barriers, transform miscommunication into opportunities for growth, and embrace the power of change as a leader.

With researched-backed communication and social skills, you can lead your organization through the friction of five generations working together to transform into a collaborative work environment.
Create a culture that freely shares ideas and creates shared meaning so you can do effective and powerful work (all with a side of laughter).

Ask about Generational Communication at Work

Most Requested Keynotes to Create Positive Culture

The Cross-Generational Jam: Turning Friction into Fusion


Rewrite the Soundtrack:
The Lasting Solution for Connected Leadership and Flourishing Teams

Organizations desperate to retain employees, increase engagement, manage change, and motivate individuals.

Leaders stand and ask, “Are we all on the same page?” 

But between that question and the interpretations, rarely is everyone in the room in the same book, let alone the same page. Solving that problem starts with stories.

Although organizations often look to stories to improve communication, share their brands, and sell their products, they often overlook the most important aspect of storytelling — the internal story of every person.

Stories are the cornerstone of human understanding and each individual’s internal story shapes far more than just how they interpret information. It’s the catalyst to everything — how they take action, create results, and lead people.

In Rewrite the Soundtrack, Jenn reveals the profound power of internal personality stories on leadership, individual motivation, and organizational results. Research shows these self-stories shape the leadership mindset that determines the results of individuals, teams, and organizations. 

Reduce anxiety, boost joy, and improve performance by equipping leaders (and really every complex person in your organization) with the ability to change their internal story.

Check Availability for Leadership Mindset

Ask about Generational Communication at Work


Your success as a leader and your organization will rise and fall with your ability to manage conflict. Avoided conflict creates unhealthy and unproductive teams. And mismanaged conflict often strikes more harm than good. Mishandled conflict costs US businesses $668 billion a year (Yes. Billion.)

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Beginning with self-awareness and moving to the skills you need to manage conflict, you can equip yourself to do more than simply address conflict.

You can create peace.

From a recovering conflict avoider who used to moonwalk out of hard conversations, come learn with humor and stories how conflict can be your way to an engaged and flourishing team. (The real-life application of Jenn’s TEDx talk)

Check Availability for Solving Conflict

Additional topics include Enneagram for Teams, Preventing Burnout, and Values for Profit.

The $668 Billion Opportunity: Using Curiosity to Move through Conflict to Connection

Let's hop on a call

Keynotes introduce ideas and inspire your audience to action. But there’s more to creating lasting change. Let’s partner on an ongoing, deeper level. We have in-depth programs for Joyosity Organizations that identify your organization’s needs, interweave several topics, and integrate learning so you create positive culture with complex people.

Create Change that Sticks

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Leaders will fail when they believe joy is extra or undeserved.

Jenn Whitmer

Employee engagement and leadership skills aren’t extras for your organization. They are the very lifeblood of a profitable company. Let’s take a look at a few examples.

  • A disengaged employee costs a company 34% of their salary. That’s, on average, $17,651.53 per employee per year.
  • According to Gallup, highly engaged teams see a 20% lift in productivity and a 40% improvement in turnover.
  • Replacing an employee ranges from one-half of an employee's annual salary up to two times that salary. In an organization of 100 people that’s up to $2.6 million per year.
  • And what about conflict? A leading cause of lack of employee engagement? According to CCP, each employee spends on average three hours a week managing the effects of unresolved conflict. That’s nearly $668 billion dollars a year for the U.S.

And we haven’t even mentioned how this feels. The Sunday Scaries and the side Slack messages in meetings, the burnout and exhaustion… all of this squashes creativity, erodes meaningful work, and steals joy.
And we haven’t even mentioned how this feels. The Sunday Scaries and the side Slack messages in meetings, the burnout and exhaustion… all of this squashes creativity, erodes meaningful work, and steals joy.
Employee engagement and leadership skills aren’t extras for your organization. They are the very lifeblood of a profitable company. Let’s take a look at a few examples:

  • A disengaged employee costs a company 34% of their salary. That’s, on average, $17,651.53 per employee per year.
  • According to Gallup, highly engaged teams see a 20% lift in productivity and a 40% improvement in turnover.
  • Replacing an employee ranges from one-half of an employee's annual salary up to two times that salary. In an organization of 100 people that’s up to $2.6 million per year.

  • And what about conflict? A leading cause of lack of employee engagement? According to CCP, each employee spends on average three hours a week managing the effects of unresolved conflict. That’s nearly $668 billion dollars a year for the U.S.

Jenn engages your audience not only with stories, but also with actionable skills they can apply right away. Learning how to lead themselves first, manage conflict, communicate effectively, and truly cultivate a positive culture transforms the way you so work. So your people want to stay. They come to work excited, ready to innovate, and work becomes a joy.
After an event with Jenn, your people will leave feeling inspired and empowered.
And also asking...where did you find Jenn?

Submit a Booking Request

Let's save you years of heartache and your organization millions of dollars.

...yes, millions.

These are solvable problems.

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Our team has grown rapidly with a team of diverse backgrounds, causing friction and growing pains. Jenn blew us away! She helped us understand ourselves and our team better in a way that most other development days or team building workshops ever could. We have successfully implemented her work, and can’t wait to continue our work with Jenn.

David Monk, Chick-fil-A

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Our team has grown rapidly with a team of diverse backgrounds, causing friction and growing pains. Jenn blew us away! She helped us understand ourselves and our team better in a way that most other development days or team building workshops ever could. We have successfully implemented her work, and can’t wait to continue our work with Jenn.

David Monk,

Top Five Reasons to Book Jenn


Jenn speaks about hard topics with infectious joy, helping the audience move past their own barriers to growth. 


With big questions, stories, and interaction, the audience isn't just sitting through another talk. They are engaged and learning, from being up and moving to wooed by stories from the everyday life of leaders — in the office and at home. She's fully present with your audience, inviting them into an adventure they continue when they walk out of your event.


When we laugh and play, we remember more, as part of integrated memories. While Jenn does think she's a freakin' riot, the humor is for the audience to walk away with information that sticks. Every industry and audience have their inside jokes and unique pressures. Jenn can craft her message to meet the needs of your audience and deliver with practiced pacing and timing, she brings the audience on a journey to understanding.


Jenn had her first speaking event in 5th Grade (thank you, DAR essay competition!) She's honed that skill during years of speaking, educational leadership, consulting, and training volunteers through professionals.


Jenn and her team are here to serve you and the audience. Her clients repeatedly say she is easy to work with and professional. You need someone you can trust to deliver for you... and Jenn is for you.

Let's chat about your Event

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Culture issues are always a leadership issue.

Jenn Whitmer

See Jenn in Action

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Work Should Be a Joy

We Cannot Assume

Ruthless Self-Honesty &
Radical Self-compassion

Sizzle Reel

Speaker Story

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After our team's work with Jenn, our awareness of how to communicate effectively with each other has increased so much. We have a common language as well as so much respect for each other. We've directly increased our efficiency across projects and improved our communication with our clients. Our culture is thriving and is becoming the place we have always wanted to build.

Lauren Ready,
Forever Ready Productions

Lauren Ready,
Forever Ready Productions

Booking Inquiry Process

Speaking Inquiry Form

Let's talk about how I can serve your speaking needs.




Complete a short form with your event details, goals, and aspirations.

Schedule a Zoom call where we will work out all the details together.

Give your audience an amazing experience with Jenn that creates Joyosity throughout your organization.