Just maddening. And it wastes so. much. time. Get ready to reclaim that time. The Enneagram personality framework can solve those communications problems so you’re confident and clear. With your coworkers, your boss, your spouse, and your friends.

Miscommunication is frustrating.

let’s be honest:

Are you ready to improve your communication?

Say It Like This: Your Enneagram Communication Guide is perfect if you are looking for actionable tips. Not just a description of how different Enneagram types talk, but actually what to do about it!

Snag this guide to communicate more effectively with your team, your client, your spouse, your friends. And understand how others are trying to communicate with you.

You want this guide if you are: 

  • An Enneagram newbie and not sure what it does in your life.
  • Enneagram obsessed, but want that knowledge to get outta your head and into your life.
  • A leader who want to grow in your self-awareness in a way that actually makes an impact.
  • Someone who’s ever been told you need to improve your communication skills.

Say It Like This:

The Enneagram Communication Guide

Only $17 (a $35 value!) For the exact strategies I use to help my clients communicate with clarity and confidence.

Get The Guide

Why won't people listen?

What if you could have a personalized strategy set to improving your communication skills based on your Enneagram type?

I'm so frustrated by miscommunication!

Of course you are! Because it squanders time and causes all kinds of unnecessary foolishness. What if you could increase your effectiveness by getting the key to others' communication locks?

I just want to be myself AND be understood.

You don't have to turn into a robot or be someone you're not to communicate better. What if you could use your Enneagram communication strengths to be the best you and stop making the little mistakes that keep you from being understood?

The Enneagram communication guide described me so very well. This resource gave me the growth strategies that I can implement immediately. And the tips to communicate better with my type are just what I would want people to know. This is an enneagram guide that I would want everyone to have.

Mary R. Snyder,
Speaker Coach

The Enneagram Communication Guide helped me see how I could tweak small things for big results. I felt seen in the description of how my type approaches communication. I also love that I can use this guide to help me communicate with my team and my leaders. I think this resource is perfect for quick wins and sustainable communication growth.

Melissa Abrams, Business Director

The Enneagram is a fun party trick, but it’s really a developmental tool.

It’s a bit like Harry Potter’s wand. Sure, with a flick and swish it can levitate a feather, but it can also resist all the power of Voldemort.

This guide, "Say It Like This: Your Enneagram Communication Guide" will help you manage the magic and mischief of communicating. This is your guide to better communication based on Enneagram communication styles.

If you’ve wondered how to actually use the Enneagram, this is the place to start! 

This $17 guide is your answer!

Yes! Send me the Guide!

Hiya! I'm Jenn.

I sat at new-to-me-but-actually-old desk, wondering if I could really do this job. I wasn't worried about the tasks — I was worried about me dealing with all the people development that comes with a leadership role.

Are you in that place? Where you're moving up, but it also means you have to level up? All the what-if, doubting questions that paper-cut your confidence.

I can help. In that first leadership role, I had the mac-daddy of all revelations about leadership: it starts with me. All the people issues and problem-solving and vision-casting and teamwork doesn't happen if I don't do my own personal and professional development. And all of those leadership skills are attainable.

Years later, I'm now here to help you. After leading students, faculties, teams, and leaders, I dug into an entire masters program on communication and culture in addition to Enneagram certification and conflict resolution training. I specialize in interpersonal conflict resolution, leadership, and the Enneagram. I've developed the Catalyst Compass model to walk leaders and their teams into healthy workplace culture.

All of that experience and training is so I can guide leaders just like you build confidence, lead effectively, and live with peace and wholeness without sacrificing who you are.

What's In this Guide?

This guide includes

  • Purpose of communication. Why communication matters. (I always like to start with why!)
  • Intelligence centers and how to ask questions to get at them all.
  • Descriptions of each Enneagram communication style, including what to work on for each type and how to communicate better with each type. 

Let's Do this!

Well, listen, friend. You can get it now! Only $17 (a $35 value!)


I'm about the tool,
not the trend.

Here’s the deal, friend. I want you to act on using the Enneagram. I’m all in for a good trend, but that’s not why you’re here. You want to grow. You're ready to figure out how to get the Enneagram off the Instagram account and into your life.

I promise, that’s where the magic happens.

I want this guide in your hands so you can see how the Enneagram can help you communicate more effectively. For the price of lunch, you can have the confidence to be yourself, clearly communicate with others, and help others communicate with you.

Say it like this: Enneagram Communication guide

Only $17!

Get me the guide!

Imagine for a minute...

...you can speak up, confident your communication is clear. You’re not bogged down by worries that people will call you a B* or that what you have to say doesn’t matter.

You can talk with that difficult person because you’ve discovered how they prefer to hear information. People are noticing and asking you, “How do you communicate so well with everyone?”