Your guide to becoming a confident and effective communicator...

even if it feels impossible.


So you avoid them or rush to get them over?

You may be thinking, "If I have this conversation, people will think I'm mean. Or I'll hurt their feelings. Or I'll be be a bully."

Sometimes you think, "Ugh, this will be forever awkward. We'll never get over it."

And friends, life is full of difficult conversations. Family holiday plans, performance reviews, bonus discussions, setting boundaries.
•Great uncle who disagrees with your politics...
•Your in-laws who want you to stay "just one more day"...
•Asking for a raise...
•The team member that needs an improvement plan...

...the hard conversations are everywhere.

There are so many people who run for the hills at the whiff of a hard conversation. Others just grit their teeth and rush through it, but are full of fear the entire time.

Can I share a hard truth? Neither of those is an effective way to cope.

If your goal is to be a powerful leader or have healthy, flourishing relationships, you need to know how to have hard conversations.

If you keep running away or just going through the motions, becoming a confident communicator
never happens.

Say no more. I'm in!

I've created something that will take you from timid and unsure in hard conversations to confident and effective in all your communication.



Hiya, I'm Jenn.
And, I'm delighted
you're here.

I help teams and leaders solve conflict and personality clashes. Specializing in interpersonal conflict resolution, leadership, and the Enneagram, I help people communicate through difficulty so they can build confidence, lead powerfully, and live with peace and wholeness.

And I've been devastated by the fear of hard conversations. I would just avoid them (It's all fine...nothing to see here). Or I would just rush through it...leaving me and everyone else unsure if we had made any progress.

And then I noticed the people I respected the most, the ones who had the best careers and relationships, all walked confidently into hard conversations. So I decided to learn. And I'm so glad I did.
I decided to help others learn too. I dug into an entire masters program on communication and culture in addition to my Enneagram certification. I’m that passionate about helping people communicate confidently without sacrificing who they are.

Let's talk ROI for a hot second:

In the US, we spend on average 3 hours per week managing the effects of unresolved conflict in the workplace (CCP Global data, 2008). That number doesn't include the time in our personal relationships!

So let's turn that into dollars for a moment. Based on average compensation, that's more than $6,500 a year (Statista, 2019)! How to Hard Conversations is only $247.

But what about the emotional toll? All the anger, exhaustion, confusion, angst, disappointment, hurt, stress... do I need to go on?

What could you leave behind and what could you gain by going through the How to Have Hard Conversations online course? How amazing would that feel?

Yes. I want this!

How to Have a Hard Conversation

Online Course

Your at-your-own-pace course to becoming a confident communicator, when it matters the most—
hard conversations.
The course includes fourteen video lessons in digestible chunks so you can build your confidence one skill at a time. And they're yours to keep! They're not going away.
I've used these frameworks and skills to help leaders in corporate settings, nonprofit organizations, and entrepreneurship circles improve their communication and transform their relationships.

Buy the course

Here's how it breaks down:

Module 1: Conversational Foundations
    ✔︎Surefire Way to Approach a Hard Conversation
    ✔︎Context for the Chaos of Conversations
    ✔︎Framework for Handling All Conflict 

Module 2: Starting with What You Can Control—You
    ✔︎Unlock Lizard Brain: Mastering Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Fawn
    ✔︎Uncover Your Personality's Conflict Style
    ✔︎Your Blueprint for Clarity
    ✔︎Using Three Burning Questions

Module 3: The Actual Convo
    ✔︎Pre-Game Strategy
    ✔︎How to Ask for the Hard Conversation
    ✔︎Proven Method for Mastering the Messy Middle
    ✔︎The Roadmap for Asking for What You Want
    ✔︎The Secret Sauce for Closing

Module 4: When People Come to You
    ✔︎How to Accept a Hard Conversation
    ✔︎Setting a Healthy Boundary

🎉Worksheet pages to prepare for hard conversations
🎉Models for analyzing the problem
🎉Magic phrases to use in conversations
🎉Framework for looking at all the feels about hard conversations


All Right. I need this!

These are proven methods in an online, at-your-own-pace course
that is yours to keep.


Buy now

All healthy relationships face hard conversations. What keeps them healthy is learning how to have hard conversations well. From the conference room table to the kitchen table, your relationships depend on knowing how to have hard conversations.


If you work with people, How to Have Hard Conversations is for you.

Now is the perfect time to level up your communication skills.

This course teaches you the skills you need to have a hard conversation.

The last two months of the year are full of difficult conversations. Family holiday plans, performance reviews, bonus discussions, setting boundaries. From the crazy cousin who shows up with extreme opinions to the employee who's asking for a raise, you need to be equipped to have hard conversations right now.

Not just why, but exactly how you develop those skills and become a confident communicator.

I don’t have a lot of time. How long does this take?
You could go through the information in an afternoon or a Saturday morning over coffee. The idea isn’t just to get the info. It’s to help you with actual conversations in your life right now. The worksheets and scripts are there to use in your everyday, walking-around life. So while this may only take a few hours of your time upfront, the practices and skills you learn will give you a lifetime of confidence in your communication. 

How will How to Have Hard Conversations help me professionally?
Regardless of your industry or role, you have to communicate with people. And these skills will support your communication in all aspects of your career. The special magic of How to Have a Hard Conversation is the skills and confidence you will have when communication isn’t smooth. It’s like you’re now an expert stunt driver and can manage any hazard that comes your way.

Does How to Have Hard Conversations work for relationships outside of work?
Absolutely! People are people wherever they go. The communication skills in How to Have a Hard Conversation will give you confidence to communication with that friend who’s almost a frenemy, your neighbor, your partner, your teenagers, your mother-in-law...all the people you have a relationship with.
I always get flustered and don’t know what to say. Will How to Have Hard Conversations really help me with that?
Module 1 helps you notice why that happens. Module 2 gives you specific strategies to prepare yourself. Module 3 gives you more tactics so you can confidently speak during intense conversations.

I’m already a pretty good communicator. Do I need this?
Every great communicator I know is always looking to improve. Becoming an effective communicator isn’t “I’ve arrived!”
It’s a continual learning and honing of your skills so you can have an even bigger impact in your personal and professional life.

I HATE conflict. Hate it. How will this help me?
Friend, I too am a recovering conflict avoider.  Your heart races, your palms sweat, you suddenly find a phantom text to answer...I mean it's awkward and uncomfortable. I've found that avoiding hard conversations builds resentment, costs me relationships, and brings so much pain. Far worse than the pain of just having a conversation. HHHC will help you know exactly when to risk having the hard conversation and give you the skills so you know exactly how.

People tell me I’m too harsh in my communication. Will this help?
Without a doubt! This is the course to help you feel confident that you are actually communicating, not just talking (or even yelling) at people. You will learn how to change your phrasing and other skills to increase your effectiveness without people feeling like they’ve been bulldozed.

Will the price go up?
Yes. I'm offering a special price for people in the challenge because I believe action is what changes situations, transforms relationships, and helps us grow. And you all are my OGs! 

I've tested and seen results with clients in workshops, group coaching, and my 1:1 coaching. This is a special challenge price. You will get amazing quality for such a great deal because you got in early!

What happens if I have questions?
I love questions! You can always ask questions by shooting me an email! 


Sign Me up

Listen, friend. If you're all the way down here. You're either TL;DR, or you want this.

SKIMMERS: need to know how to have hard conversations so you can be the confident and effective communicator you want to be.

If you want this, now is your time. Grabbing the course now means you get all the content that you can apply in the conversation you've been thinking about the entire time you're reading this page, and every one after...for the rest of your life. And if you go now, you don't miss the best price and the biggest bonuses. Grab this course...that's your next right step.


How to Have a Hard Conversation online course with Jenn Whitmer

You're right. I'm ready