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creating positive culture with complex people



creating positive culture with complex people

Jul 12, 2024

A strike straight in the solar plexus. I heard this on TikTok or Instagram in the last couple of weeks, and I can’t let it go. A weakness is a strength that is misused or overused. I mean, just sit with that a minute. I’ve said for a long time the best parts of us […]

Jul 5, 2024

If you’re leading, you’re going to manage change. Here are the questions you need to ask, and the BIG one you need to do it well. Not sure you have time to watch? I take you behind the scenes of the significant changes I’m leading right now. The three big ideas for you: 1) Change […]

Jun 28, 2024

We’ve been talking about rest. So here’s a practical way for you… 118 seconds. Find out how to get a new perspective. Don’t miss your chance to come to the Joyosity Leadership Retreat for Women. The presale ends July 1. Save your spot here. Want help advocating for your organization to send you? Grab this […]

Jun 14, 2024

“If I was awake, I should be doing,” Erika Biddix said on last week’s Joyosity™ podcast. “I made it through college on like four hours of sleep a night, and so then I brought that do do do into my corporate life.” Can you relate? Most leaders have guilt around rest. The “I’ll sleep when […]

Jun 1, 2024

A preschooler pushing the tiny helper cart into my heels, a newborn fussing in the pumpkin seat, and 1st and Kindergarten boys like rolly-polly puppies in the Trader Joe’s cereal aisle, a woman walked up to me and cooed, “Enjoy this season! You’re going to miss it.” I wanted to scream and throw a slimy […]

May 17, 2024

Emotions don’t belong at work.Emotions make you weak.Emotions are useless in decisions.Showing emotions is unprofessional.You either have emotional intelligence, or you don’t.Emotions make you less productive.Emotions are for the HR department, not leaders. LIES — every single one. But you’ve heard them all, right? Don’t get me wrong. Emotions are challenging and messy, and this […]

May 3, 2024

Joy is the center of how we get all the things that we need at work, including profit. 

Apr 26, 2024

Have you had a stroke? The communication lesson you need. How communication can make you a better leader

Apr 12, 2024

“Wait. You rearranged the entire class schedule? But why?” My fork stopped between my spinach salad and my gaping math in the lunch room. “Because of the tests,” the teacher said with a look of disbelief. Let me back up. As the Director of Assessment, I created an intricate testing schedule for the entire school. […]

Apr 1, 2024

One of the primary engagement and leadership skills you need is great communication. After accurate self-awareness, communication comes in a close second to the top skills you need as a healthy and effective leader.