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creating positive culture with complex people



creating positive culture with complex people

May 3, 2024

Joy is the center of how we get all the things that we need at work, including profit. 

Apr 26, 2024

Have you had a stroke? The communication lesson you need. How communication can make you a better leader

Apr 12, 2024

“Wait. You rearranged the entire class schedule? But why?” My fork stopped between my spinach salad and my gaping math in the lunch room. “Because of the tests,” the teacher said with a look of disbelief. Let me back up. As the Director of Assessment, I created an intricate testing schedule for the entire school. […]

Apr 1, 2024

One of the primary engagement and leadership skills you need is great communication. After accurate self-awareness, communication comes in a close second to the top skills you need as a healthy and effective leader.

Mar 15, 2024

Enneagram is your not-so-secret advantage for creating higher employee engagement and creating a positive workplace culture.

Feb 29, 2024

Engagement doesn’t just happen. When you build these five skills engagement spreads like a viral video of a family jumping for joy together.

Feb 2, 2024

Great leadership begins with the stories you tell yourself. This process I share here is so powerful and critical to leadership.

Nov 12, 2023

“We didn’t think you’d notice the difference,” the guys said when they came back from the store as they put the Schnucks-brand tonic water on the granite countertop. “It’s just like Fever Tree, isn’t it?” Oh, no, gentlemen. No, it is not. Yet, we were all too tired from the week to go back out […]

Nov 5, 2023

Ideally, feedback plays a crucial role in self-awareness that moves you from the blindspot space to the open space where change can happen (remember the Johari Window from last month?) The problem is most people suck at feedback. Not because they’re bad humans or uncaring leaders, but because they got bad advice, watched bad examples, […]

Oct 8, 2023

“Some people are concerned about using personality as part of our professional development,” my corporate client shared in a prep call. “Tell me more,” I said (BTW…my all-time favorite conversation continuer is “tell me more.”) “Well, some of our staff who came from another agency had DISC profiles displayed, and their personality profiles were used […]