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creating positive culture with complex people



creating positive culture with complex people

Sep 10, 2019

Today I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. When I have 468 to-do items and needs pulling me in all the directions, I start doing constructive things like researching Christmas presents for my second cousin or scouring the bottom of the crisper drawer.  All tasks that really help me to meet my goal. (eye roll) I’ve just […]

Sep 4, 2019

Growth is a quirky cocktail of self-awareness, other perspectives, and some new moves. Everyone’s recipe is a little bit different, but these are the essentials. Self-awareness is understanding your personal culture, values, drives, patterns, and pitfalls. New moves are the way out of staying the same — we literally have to do differently to grow. […]

Sep 3, 2019

When I had four tiny humans aged six and under, I thought for sure I had puncture wounds from the pecking. Ten years later, it turns out, their beaks get bigger. (In all honesty, I love my teenagers and prefer this age to previous ones. But still…) In parenting, we keep coming back to basics—responsibilities. […]

Aug 14, 2019

I had a couple big setbacks this week. They didn’t happen suddenly, but they crashed on the same day. One involved a client where I didn’t set clear expectations, so I didn’t meet theirs. Now I’ve lost a client. One involved my lack of follow-through, almost costing my child the first day of school. Don’t […]

Aug 5, 2019

I am impatient. I don’t want instant results, but I want the movie montage to get to the end. I want growth, grief, and conflict resolution to feel like the highlight reel. And that’s just the thing: I highlight reel implies a finishing. Here are snippets of all the work, conversations, practice, activities, waiting, and […]

Jul 29, 2019

Our kids spent the month of July at camp. They have changed. They have grown. So now, the Whitmer Cavalcade is different.  We’re spending the weekend being together. Being all together for the first time in a month. Reorienting ourselves to how to relate and care and love one another well.  If I were to […]

Jul 19, 2019

Either/or thinking brings false security. When we are deeply stressed, particularly in a conflict or when we feel unsafe, we burrow into a place where someone or something must be either fully friend or foe. This position limits us to one issue and two-dimensional living. It reduces the fullness of humanity and “weaponizes belonging,” says […]

Jun 19, 2019

Here’s a little nugget for you, friends—we cannot live life without conflict. And each of you reading that sentence just reacted to the statement.  Some of you just looked for the exit to this article. (Stay with me, please! I promise, I’ll walk with you!) Others of you were ready for the action. Bring. It. […]

Jun 12, 2019

The tale as old as time: as long as there have been competing interests, there has been conflict. When the desires—neutral, evil, righteous, imperfect, or just—of a person or a group challenge those of another person or group, the result of that competition is a conflict.  Part one of this series connected our lack of […]

May 20, 2019

Why am I doing this? Do I want to this? What is the purpose? What do I want to achieve? What story am I telling myself? A reason always exists. If I acknowledge it or not, my motivation is a sail on my ship. Often, life throws my tiny vessel into a squall. In those […]