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creating positive culture with complex people



creating positive culture with complex people

Apr 4, 2022

Feeling a little crispy right now? A little overwhelmed and fraying around the edges? A significant symptom of overwhelm is lack of focus and distraction. Getting from one task to the next without succumbing to shiny distractions or bailing because the task isn’t fun (I’m looking at you #taxes) seems to require more than the […]

Mar 22, 2022

Standing in the front, what do you experience? Sweaty palms? Shallow breath? Excited butterflies?   Undergrads in a intro to comms class, mid-level managers in a status meeting, to experienced speakers on the stage… We all have to stand in front at some point. Our self-awareness through the Enneagram is the superpower. We can lean into […]

Mar 7, 2022

My heart started racing and my eyes grew larger as the organizers of my TEDx event told us they had to cancel the full event and create a hybrid event. No longer was the full event in person, and the speakers would have to come to Canada to record two weeks before. When’s the last […]

Feb 24, 2022

What’s the movie that plays in your mind about yourself? An even more important question, who’s writing the script? Earlier this year, I did a photoshoot for my speaker website. (Y’all, just typing that sentence brings up all kinds of stories. An internal movie that I am actively editing.) For years (and if I’m completely transparent, […]

Feb 14, 2022

The purple curling ribbon slipped from the package as I eagerly opened a present from my high-school boyfriend (who happened to become my husband).  I smiled and lightly brushed the cellophane pages of the leather album, full of prints of Michael and me and our friends. My 18-year-old self laughed at the memories and hugged […]

Feb 7, 2022

I didn’t feel like a failure, but a screw-up. A scatterbrain or a flibbertigibbet. It’s weeks into the new year, and I can’t seem to get my ONE tiny new habit going. How do I change this?

Jan 19, 2022

I was in tap class for about 32 seconds when I was seven years old. But I adored it. The sounds, the movement, the power. Fred Astaire, Vera-Ellen, Gregory Hines, Dulé Hill, Christian Borle, my own kids—It’s probably my favorite style of dance. We had a demonstration class at my kids’ studio last month. Miss […]

Jan 15, 2022

Do you remember getting a draft back from a teacher and it was covered in red and had REVISE in big letters? In a former leadership role, I wrote and edited thousands of words for an application to the US Department of Education. Multiple essays on specific topics with precise word counts to showcase our […]

Sep 3, 2021

The Enneagram and connection can save you millions of dollars. (Yes, MILLIONS) Forbes used data from Achievers showing each disengaged employee costs a company 34% of their salary. That’s a $13,600 cost for the median $40K  salary. Ouch! So what can you do? How do you engage employees? Create a culture of honoring and respecting […]

Aug 27, 2021

Who’s holding the director’s mic inside your head?  Do they deserve it? A few months ago I realized I’d been hiding. I’ve had some old stories from an abusive leader running the show in the back of my mind. (Have you done that? Regina George from high school is still telling you no one likes […]