

creating positive culture with complex people





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creating positive culture with complex people

Apr 9, 2020

Permission Slips

You have permission to enneagram coach

It’s a whole lot right now. The swirling tasks, people, worries, shoulds, and oughts. There is just not enough mental and emotional bandwidth to do all. the. things.

Yet, that doesn’t take away this lingering feeling that I need some permission. I mean, I don’t know from whom or what, but permission all the same.

So here I am to offer you permission. Feel free to use the permission slip. I’ve pre-signed it for you!

You have permission:
To take a nap.

To just stop for a minute.

To cry.

To laugh.

To have a hot mess of emotions.

To expect less.

For my Enneagram friends:

These may feel like a knife at first, but I want to offer them as an unburdening. You have permission for these today (and really always).

Eights: You have permission to ask for help.

Nines: You have permission to say no.

Ones: You have permission to lower your standards.

Twos: You have permission to prioritize your needs.

Threes: You have permission to not make this time productive.

Fours: You have permission to be proud of what you’re doing.

Fives: You have permission to have emotional needs.

Sixes: You have permission to trust yourself.

Sevens: You have permission to not be positive about this.



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