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creating positive culture with complex people



creating positive culture with complex people

Jun 7, 2019

Plenty of ink has been spilled bemoaning the lack of civility in public discourse. Partisan fighting, discord, dehumanization, and just plain ugliness. The rancor is exhausting us culturally and damaging us relationally. And it’s just not fun. I’ve wondered and pondered and puzzled over the why-is-this and the how-did-we-get-here quite a bit over the last […]

May 20, 2019

Why am I doing this? Do I want to this? What is the purpose? What do I want to achieve? What story am I telling myself? A reason always exists. If I acknowledge it or not, my motivation is a sail on my ship. Often, life throws my tiny vessel into a squall. In those […]

May 17, 2019

I collect people. (Not like bobbleheads, but wouldn’t that be fun? A bobblehead collection of all my people!) From babies to grandparents, I love connecting with people. Unafraid to ask questions, people share their thoughts with me, and I share myself with others. I am forever amazed at the variety bubbling out of people, and […]

May 10, 2019

Growth is not linear. One of the most frustrating realities of life is that we don’t continually move forward. We rarely move from  success to success without a hiccup—or worse—along the way. Onward and upward is a position, a vision of the heart, not really a growth trajectory. When we fall back, we can quickly […]

Mar 25, 2019

Leadership involves shepherding a group, moving people, inspiring followers, and empowering others to flourish. Usually, this means asking a lot of questions, helping others see their gifts, shortcomings,  behaviors, and responses. Leaders guide others into greater effectiveness. But leadership stalls when we don’t hold the mirror up to ourselves. Self-awareness is a cornerstone of leadership […]

Mar 8, 2019

When we ask questions, we create space.  We create space for learning. We create space for new ideas. We create space for understanding. We create a space for demonstrating we don’t know everything.  We create space for connecting with others.  Too many times I’ve simply assumed my communication was clear without asking others if my […]

Mar 7, 2019

Blind spots. We all have them. Blind spots are real, and they can hurt us and others.  When someone is willing to point them out with care, keep that person close. He is a true friend, a godsend in your world. She will refine and polish you, making you sharper and brighter for it. Hold […]