What’s your biggest fear? (Don’t scroll & pretend something didn’t just pop its way up into your brain.) Do you know how that fear impacts your leadership & relationships? The fears you work so hard to hide from others & yourself?
We had an explosion in the fall of 2001—a long-distance fight with my husband on my blue Nokia.
The twist: we were shouting about cell phone minutes. Yes. On the cell phone.
Here’s the deal: Back in the early 2000s, unlimited anything was not a thing.
I wanted to stay within the budget. He wanted to use the tool. Neither knew what we were really fighting about.
Conflicts happen when limited resources crash into our fears.
In the video, I share three tips I’ve learned from resolving this situation and from my work with teams and leaders.
1: Don’t fight about the cell phone.
2: Ask better questions. (Here’s where the Enneagram helps.)
3: Plan for failure.
Can I invite you to explore how your fears & personality type impact how you approach your leadership in conflict—both large & small?
I share my fear in the video.
Three questions:
What’s the fear that impacts your leadership?
What are you going to do about it?
How can I help you?