Jul 12, 2024

Identify the Weakness That’s Holding You Back

A strike straight in the solar plexus.

I heard this on TikTok or Instagram in the last couple of weeks, and I can’t let it go.

A weakness is a strength that is misused or overused.

I mean, just sit with that a minute. I’ve said for a long time the best parts of us are also the worst parts of us. But this new way of thinking does three things for me as a leader:

  1. I have clarity about what the problem is. It’s not the strength or my character, it’s the usage.
  2. I have a path to change. I can change how I’m using that strength for a better outcome.
  3. It releases some shame. For a while there no one wanted to say weakness (challenges, areas of opportunity, etc.) But this perspective lets a weakness just be what it is.

When I put my Enneagram teacher hat on, I think about the two sides of each type’s coin.

Eight: Protecting and problem-solving OR armored and controlling

Nine: Mediation and peacemaking OR disengaged and peacefaking

One: Reforming and calming chaos OR damagingly critical and rigid

Two: Empathetic and considerate OR overfunctioning and ignoring yourself

Three: Goal achieving and winsome OR inauthentic and relentlessly driven

Four: Creative and emotionally present OR self-indulgent and victim-minded

Five: Wise and observant OR intellectually arrogant and dismissive

Six: Trouble-shooting and community-oriented OR indecisive and pessimistic

Seven: Fun-loving and option-creating OR toxic positivity and emotionally disconnected

So for you, what is that strength that you overuse when you’re feeling insecure, invalidated, or disrespected? When you do that, how does that impact the way you lead and interact with others?

I’d love to hear how this definition lands with you. Would you just comment and tell me?

If you want help with this, the Joyosity Retreat is the perfect opportunity for you to finally get over that thing that holds you back. So you can not only be an effective and amazing leader, but you can have joy and peace doing it (with the imposter feelings!) There are only six spots left. Early Bird rate is open. Make sure you use code JOYBIRD at the checkout.



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