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creating positive culture with complex people



creating positive culture with complex people

Mar 16, 2020

 Parenting is being pecked to death by chickens. Mostly because kids are tiny, imperfect humans who need just so much from us as grown, imperfect humans. I’m continuing to learn my parenting improves when awareness of myself and my motivations expand. As I gain deeper understanding of why I’m reacting to the pecking in unhelpful […]

Mar 1, 2020

Sometimes, I believe I am living in tomorrow. Sure, I don’t say it out loud, but I behave as if I am not constrained by time. As if the future and what could be is bolder and brighter than today and what actually is. Hi, Enneagram 7. Nice to meet you. 🤝 I’m not alone: […]

Feb 10, 2020

How we view ourselves is a thing, isn’t it? I unexpectedly had to make a video for a client—of myself. The tiny missteps, stray hairs, and odd face on the freeze-frame all made for a  cringy-ish experience. How we view our internal selves often has two ditches we fall into along the path of growth: […]

Feb 9, 2020

No relationship escapes conflict. Anyone who tells you they have a conflict-free relationship is lying to you or themselves. Avoiding conflict does nothing to address the root issue. Neglecting conflict results in deeper and bigger conflicts. You cobble together a fake peace that slowly causes a war, either with the original person, another person, or […]

Feb 6, 2020

Reframing conflict is powerful—for good and for ill. The healthiest reframing is based in reality, not avoidance or denial. Imperfect people clashing over imperfect wants and needs provides many opportunities for the rain to fall, even when you’re looking for the silver lining Learning how you cope with conflict makes a difference in how wet […]

Feb 5, 2020

Conflict is here to stay, so peacemaking must become a permanent resident too.  Imperfect people clashing over imperfect wants and needs provides many sparks for conflict. How you cope with the conflict makes the difference between a firecracker or a bomb. Today’s Enneagram conflict coping styles: Dynamites Fours, Sixes, and Eights This group shares similar […]

Feb 4, 2020

Conflict is everywhere. Even for those of you out there trying to avoid it, conflict is strewn across the path, tripping you up like laundry across a teenager’s room. (Ok, maybe just my teenagers’ rooms, but you get it?) Imperfect people clashing over imperfect wants and needs provides opportunities for conflict in every nook and […]

Jan 14, 2020

I was always a little concerned for the guy with the big nose in the game operation. There he was, just lying there with a bunch of people looking at his naked body trying to take out pieces of his body. Clearly, I didn’t go into medicine! I think a lot of us can feel […]

Jan 6, 2020

People are endlessly fascinating, and I’ve always loved a good personality tool. Several years ago, a friend started talking about the Enneagram and Myers Briggs. I’d spent a lot of time studying MBTI, but virtually none into the Enneagram. So I poked around a little. I was like, ok, numbers and circles and ancient words […]

Dec 3, 2019

My week is crazy. Anyone else? (And a thousand hands go up). And next week ain’t looking any better. Deadlines out of my control. Clients changing goals. Studying routines to keep. Big decisions to make. Teenagers to parent. Oh, and it’s December… As you may have discovered in your life, when the margin is decreasing […]