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creating positive culture with complex people



creating positive culture with complex people

Aug 30, 2020

I quit playing the viola after 7th grade. After years of playing, I loosened the bow, covered the instrument with its velvet and satin cover, and locked the case. Everyone told me not to. I didn’t listen. After 6 months, I missed it and wanted to play in the high school orchestra. But I wasn’t […]

Jul 21, 2020

WHY IS THERE SO MUCH HAPPENING?? I’m longing for peace. Conflict and strife and confusion keep getting in the way. And I’m just so done. I want to make good decisions that lead toward peace and goodness, and this 2020 business keeps coming up with new things to make me weary! When I feel this […]

Jul 8, 2020

Shuffling papers, walking from the desk to the kitchen table to the counter, and muttering to myself, I was a whirlwind of activity. More like I was circling the drain. Michael said, “Babe, do one thing at a time.” Didn’t he just diagnose that situation? Have you ever been there, spinning your wheels and going […]

Jun 24, 2020

Controversial Statement: You can’t find your Enneagram type from a test. 😬 I promise, I have something even better! A free booklet, “Why Do I Keep Doing This?” We all want it simple and easy. Bloop. Bloop. Bloop—you’re this type! Some fantastic personality typing works well like that. They help you find your strengths, preferences, […]

Jun 21, 2020

“Be nice.”  “Don’t make a fuss.” “You’re so bossy.” Ever heard any of these? Uh, yeah. Me, too. Our culture has pushed several limiting beliefs about confrontation—and mostly to women. The message—well, the lie really—is confrontation is mean, aggressive, and not nice. That lie has turned into quite the monster in our culture. Sharon Hodde […]

Jun 14, 2020

Living with unresolved conflict is like trying to tango with a toddler on your leg. Lights keep me awake. I mean, sure I can take a quick nap (boy, do I love naps). I can use a sleep mask, but it’s not quite the same. The kind of sustained rest required for flourishing—who am I […]

Jun 7, 2020

I help people live peaceful and whole lives by equipping them with communication and conflict resolution skills. And right now, that work is intense. Because justice and anti-racism work is personal AND systemic. And if you’re new to this work, it often feels completely overwhelming. I’ve found the Enneagram a useful tool in examining my […]

Jun 5, 2020

And it’s going to cost you. I want to have different words for you today. Words that comfort. Words that heal. Words that mend. Words that feel like a big hug.  I just can’t get there. As I’ve written and deleted, written and deleted, written and deleted, I keep coming back to loving you with […]

May 25, 2020

Sometimes blindspots just keep surprising us. Kind friends show you behaviors that are problematic for you and others, yet you can’t seem to shake the patterns that creep up from time to time. Or even worse, you get with your family around the holiday table, and you’re right back in childhood, poking your cousin because […]

May 20, 2020

Working with people involves accountability. From the most experienced CEO to the newest teenage intern, we make commitments to one another. The best teams, families, and workplaces are mutually accountable to one another.  The question isn’t so much “How do I hold people accountable?” It’s “How do I create a culture of commitment and mutual […]