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creating positive culture with complex people



creating positive culture with complex people

Mar 15, 2024

Enneagram is your not-so-secret advantage for creating higher employee engagement and creating a positive workplace culture.

Feb 29, 2024

Engagement doesn’t just happen. When you build these five skills engagement spreads like a viral video of a family jumping for joy together.

Feb 9, 2024

Your personality is lying to you and you’re probably believing it…To change your results, you have to know the story that’s motivating you.

Feb 2, 2024

Great leadership begins with the stories you tell yourself. This process I share here is so powerful and critical to leadership.

Jan 26, 2024

A story about buying a car and what it cost not living by my values — and how the knowing them got us back on track.

Jan 6, 2024

I open the glass door, and my son’s voice is the first thing I hear. Mind you: the glass door leads to the community center gym…not my house. I mean, so loud for 6:30 am. (Also, there’s a bit of an apple not far from the tree situation here 🙋🏽‍♀️) Do you do this? Recognize […]

Jan 5, 2024

So let’s dig a little deeper by helping you name the core values your Enneagram personality buzzes over. These Enneagram personality values will BZZZ every time they’re limited, ignored, or run over. You don’t have to live in the insecurity and anxiety that comes with the dishonest, immature version of yourself. You don’t have to […]

Dec 29, 2023

“Make it stop!” I shrieked at Spotify. I don’t even know what the ad was for, but the phrase “New Year. New You.” came through my airpods, and your girl lost it. New Year. New You. What a load of tripe. It’s just a tiny bit insulting, isn’t it…the “new year, new you” phrasing. As […]

Dec 8, 2023

“I just gotta Coco Chanel that proposal,” I remarked as we walked up the wet asphalt. My friend turned to me and said, “Ok, I’ve heard you say that before. What do you mean by that?” I do repeat that phrase to myself often. When I’m working on a keynote or training, I’m so tempted […]

Dec 3, 2023

“Did you finish your work?”  Plopping on my friend’s soft grey couch, I told the group, “Ugh. Not yet. I have all the action steps, the events, and the rest, but I’m struggling with the opening.” “What’s the leadership topic you’re writing about?” As I began to describe simplicity, I giggled. I was falling into […]