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creating positive culture with complex people



creating positive culture with complex people

Aug 3, 2021

What would it look like for you if you could manage conflicts and feel confident as a leader? Imagine if there was a way to get there without all the miscommunication and your own fears getting in the way. What would that look like? What would you say? What questions do you ask? And how […]

Jul 11, 2021

What’s your biggest fear? (Don’t scroll & pretend something didn’t just pop its way up into your brain.) Do you know how that fear impacts your leadership & relationships? The fears you work so hard to hide from others & yourself?⁣ We had an explosion in the fall of 2001—a long-distance fight with my husband […]

Mar 29, 2021

Do you get stuck in imposter syndrome in your leadership? Are you a Professor who’s trying to be out front all the time because someone told you that’s what leaders do? Or are you the Connector who’s focusing on the numbers when really you want to work with the people? Maybe you’re the Natural who’s […]

Mar 29, 2021

Do you get stuck in imposter syndrome in your leadership? Are you a Professor who’s trying to be out front all the time because someone told you that’s what leaders do? Or are you the Connector who’s focusing on the numbers when really you want to work with the people? Maybe you’re the Natural who’s […]

Jan 13, 2021

I was making a mess of things week. I mean not big things, but like spilling a tablespoon of coffee beans. Not a big mess, but you’re picking up little bits that keep showing up. And what I keep learning is rest is a weapon in accomplishing my mission. (Thanks, Jo Saxton). My mission to […]

Dec 3, 2020

I untied the purple curling ribbon excitedly.⁣ I smiled and stroked the cellophane pages of the leather album, full of prints of Michael and me and our friends. My 18-year-old self laughed at the memories and hugged the album.⁣ What I didn’t do? Burst into tears.⁣ And that lack of tears led to a fight. […]

Oct 18, 2020

I sat on the bumper of my van in the parking garage, angry and sobbing after a terrible meeting. That was the moment I realized — it was all over. I said to my friend and colleague: “I don’t fit in the culture anymore. He’s going to fire me.” Dana said, “If you don’t fit […]

Oct 18, 2020

I sat on the bumper of my van in the parking garage, angry and sobbing after a terrible meeting. That was the moment I realized — it was all over. I said to my friend and colleague: “I don’t fit in the culture anymore. He’s going to fire me.” Dana said, “If you don’t fit […]

Sep 25, 2020

Standing in the front, what do you feel? Pleased? Insecure? Terrified? Exhilarated? You are the biggest asset you bring to any presentation. In front of your team, a  client, or an audience of 6000, your self-awareness is your superpower. Sally Koering Zimney invited me to share on her This Moved Me podcast how your personality […]

Sep 19, 2020

A question can change a life. Ted Lasso is my new favorite show. It’s not just the British humor or the relentless positivity of the title character, a Kansas City native dropped in an English Midlands town to coach its football (soccer) club — the fable of each episode intrigues me. A jilted wife takes […]